Social security.
Most countries with high taxes have a fairly well-developed social security system. Otherwise, it would be very bad. Many candidate-emigrants are worried about losing their right to social security. Usually, this is much less of a problem than expected. Why?
Your social security consists of two parts pension and health care. Your pension accrual stops and will resume when you return to work in your country A in the future. If you, as a digital nomad, pay little or no tax and are smart enough to put some money aside or invest, within 30 or 40 years you will have saved a lot more and enjoy a better income in your old age than you ever would have with a full pension. If by that time there is still such a thing as a pension… You’d better take care of yourself!
Yes, healthcare is usually limited to your own country or e.g. within the EU. You have now decided to go out into the world. So you have to insure yourself for e.g. accidents or hospitalization. There are some good players here (e.g. or Insure yourself for e.g. hospitalization with a franchise of 5000 EUR.
The first 5000 EUR you pay yourself, you will see that the premiums for young healthy people are not that bad. If you later want to come back to your home country or settle in another country, it is usually not a problem if you work or are self-employed, to be reintegrated into the social security system fairly quickly.
Some digital nomads themselves think that they can lose their nationality by being away from home for a long time. This is nonsense, of course. Pay attention! Problems can, of course, arise if, for example, you have a baby in your new country.
Suppose you fall for a Thai beauty and you have a child together, then that child will certainly have the Thai nationality and not automatically your nationality. This is complex legislation that varies a lot from country to country. Check this in time! And sometimes we also get the question that obtaining a new nationality will help you solve your tax problems. “No”, is the clear answer, unless you are an American.
But if you have still questions or doubts…just contact us on: …We will be happy to help you!