Tax associations – Financial – memberships


1. Member of the International Tax Planning Association



The ITPA is a multi-disciplined association of over 1000 bankers, trust officers, finance directors, accountants, lawyers and others with a practical interest in the tax aspects of cross-frontier transactions.

Website ITPA

2. Member of Offshore Investments

Website OI

3. Member of IAB




The Belgian Association of accountants and tax consultants.

Website IAB


Iven De Hoon, winner of the Willoughby Memorial Prize 2009

Jesus College, Oxford/Offshore Investment
September 2009

The student prize is awarded annually to a student/group of students who have won the case study in international taxation practice.

Professor Peter Willoughby OBE, JP, LLB, LLM was a solicitor, an academic, a lecturer in taxation at the University of Hong Kong, an author for Offshore Investment Magazine and Director of Studies at the Oxford Offshore Symposium prior to his death in 2000.